Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 6 Read.Write.Dream.

Second week, first day.  No tears.   Today while studying Money Hungry, we looked at boundaries and when someone might have gone too far.  Raspberry swipes money from a friend.  She does put it back when her conscience gets the better of her, but does that mean she didn't steal?  Are there times when we go to far?  What boundaries do we put in place for ourselves and others?  Why do we even need them?  Conversation picked up as students were able to discuss the boundaries they have in place for themselves and others.  Interesting what things are off bounds, like borrowing clothes and cell phones.  Wouldn't have thought that about the cell.  At least not in the short run.  A few girls say they'd lend clothes but far less than I'd suspect.  Dating people with the wrong color hair or ugly feet was out of bounds as well.  It's a middle school world folks.  But they were serious about not letting people hit or hurt them.  Nice discussion followed written assignment about the expectations they had for the people who entered their space, or for themselves.  Things got even more serious and pointed.  Several expected to go to college and have the ability to do so.  Others expected high QPA's or to listen to adults more, not fight, always do their best.  Oh by the way, I read their  files for the first time on Saturday.  Nice to finally put names to faces, and work to students.  Most people fell in a good place, having completed more work than not.

On the entrepreneurial side, everyone has a job now.   Finance manager, Communications manager, etc.  Class was busy working on posters for final day presentation.  Lots of buzz, especially since finance person was meeting with banker for cash, to pay for things like Fictitious Name Search. I swear I'd love to know if someone's ever done a study on fake money as a motivator.  Seems one can get as much return on that as real money when it comes to students.  I guess it feels good to have cash no matter what.  And truth be told, the stuff does look real.  Hey...wonder if Walmart would let me think they put you in jail for doing that.

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